This map shall be of great use to history students and philatelists alike. Given that 1914 is an important date in the history of France as it was about to suffer great losses in the First World War (1914-18).

Some contemporaneous information and statistics for France in 1914 may also prove useful.

France is a powerful republic, former monarchy and Empire in Western Europe bounded in the north by Belgium and the English Channel, west by the Bay of Biscay, south by the Pyrenees and Mediterranean, east by Italy, Switzerland and Germany. Greatest length about 600 miles, greatest breadth 540 miles. Area 207, 146 square miles or about 3½ times he size of England and Wales.

France is divided into 87 departments. The chief cities are Paris, the capital, next to London the largest city in Europe), Bordeaux, Marseilles, Brest and Havre.

Her colonies include Algeria, Cochin China, Senegambia, Réunion, Pondicherry, Martinique and Guadeloupe, besides three protectorates Tunis, Annam and Tonquin. Population of the Republic 39. 500, 000, one-third of whom live in towns.